This page contains a bunch of useful links and engineering related information. There is no particular structure to it and it may be split up to individual pages in the future.
- Markdown Cheatsheet
- TLDR Legal - Software Licenses in Plain English
- Regex 101 - testing regular expressions
- SolidWorks 2021 API Help
Interesting Libraries
Oxyplot - amazing 2d plotting library
ScottPlot - 2d plotting library specializing in large datasets
FftSharp - A collection of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) tools
Helix Toolkit - super powerful 3D rendering library
Math.NET Numerics - for advanced math
AForge.NET - computer vision, ai, machine learning
Xabe.FFmpeg - C# FFmpeg port. Audio/video converting.
OpenCV - computer vision library
BeautifulSoup - web scraping tool
openpyxl - excel import/export
- Python Library - python library functions
Leaflet - map making
D3 - super powerful data visualizations
Plotly.js - plotting helper build on top of D3
- FontAwesome - big library of free icons
Mechanical Design
- Slocum Fundamentals of Design - possibly one of the best design guides ever written
- Precision Point - incredibly good precision and robotics design info
- Precision Balls Papers - info on kinematic couplings
- Thingiverse - huge library of 3D printing and lasercutting projects with files
- GrabCAD - huge library of CAD models
Mechanical Reference
- ISO fits calculator - visualize shaft/hole fits
- ISO preferred fits - list of preferred fits
Press fit calculator - super detailed loading calculator
MatWeb - huge material properties database
Bolt torque/tightness conversions - printable
- Tap & drill size chart - printable
- Friction Coefficients - big list
- Project Awesome - huge list of free software
- PyCharm - great python IDE
- GitKraken - amazing tool for Git repo management
MediaWiki - host your own wiki
- Onshape - free CAD software
- Scilab - open source control systems analysis software
- FEMM - open source 2D magnetics FEA software
ONELAB - open source 3D FEA software - really interesting plotting software combining javascript, html and excel
- 3DF Zephyr - free photogrammetry software (turn pictures into 3D models)
- Meshmixer - free, very powerful 3D print editing software